
17 Jul, 2024

近期,全国多地频繁出现以“192”号段开头的电话诈骗案件。CWG Markets在最近也接到用户的举报,这些不法分子自称是行业人员与用户联系,套取用户个人和交易信息。为保障您的资金安全,CWG Markets特别提醒广大用户提高警觉,避免上当受骗。以下是一些防范措施和建议:



近期全国多地频繁出现以“192”号段开头的电话诈骗案件。CWG Markets在最近也接到用户的举报,些不法分子自称是行业人员与用户联系套取用户个人和交易信息。为保障您的资金安全,CWG Markets特别提醒广大用户提高警觉,避免上当受骗。以下是一些防范措施和建议:


1. 提高警惕:接到陌生来电,特别是以“192”号段开头的电话时,应提高警惕,谨慎处理。不随意透露个人信息及账户信息,不轻信承诺

2. 官方联系:如果对方自称是CWG Markets或其他公司的工作人员,请挂断电话后,通过官方网站提供的官方联系方式进行核实。

3. 拒绝汇款:在没有充分核实的情况下,不要向任何陌生账户汇款,避免因轻信而遭受财产损失。


CWG Markets始终致力于为用户提供安全、可靠的服务。若您遇到类似情况或有任何疑问,请及时联系我们的客服部门


CWG Markets官网:

中文服务热线:400 842 4626

电子邮件:[email protected]


感谢您对CWG Markets的信任与支持,祝您交易愉快!


CWG Markets


WARNING and please be advised:

It has come to our attention that a number of unauthorised firms /individuals have cloned our website content, logo and social media pages of CWG Markets Limited. Please be advised that these unauthorised firms have also been contacting consumers via various messaging apps such as WhatsApp, Facebook, Wechat.It should be noted that there is no connection whatsoever between the CWG Markets Limited, an authorised firm, and the unauthorised entities/ individuals that have cloned our details. If you’ve been scammed or contacted by an unauthorised firm / individuals – or a firm you suspect is not legitimate – you can report to us [email protected]

CFDs (Contract For Difference) are complex instruments and come with a high risk of losing money rapidly due to leverage. Please ensure you fully understand the risks and take appropriate care to manage your own risk. Please read our Risk Disclosure carefully.